How to Christmas in an RV
Whether you are the biggest fan of the holidays or always seem to be looking for a way to make them fresh and exciting, celebrating an RV Christmas may be the ticket! 1st Choice RV is the leading provider of Orange County RV rentals, and each year there seems to be an increasing interest in celebrating Christmas in an RV. While maybe unconventional on the surface, a camper Christmas is a great way to breathe some life into old holiday traditions, spend an extended period of time with loved ones and sprinkle in a little adventure while traveling in RV rentals. If this sounds like something of interest, check out our RV Christmas guide below to learn just how to make your Christmas in an RV a family memory you won’t soon forget.
Pick your Destination
After you have reserved your Orange County RV rentals, you can start to think about where you want to spend Christmas. The beauty of RV rentals is that you can go just about anywhere, and you and your family can decide just how you want Christmas to look. Would you prefer to avoid the snow and cold, opting for a warm and sunny holiday? Head to the beach! Are you hoping for a white Christmas? Take off to the mountains or foothills of the Sierra. You have countless options for your RV Christmas in California, and you get to decide what feels right!
RV Christmas Decorations
Christmas decorations play a major role in harnessing that holiday spirit, and just because you may be spending this holiday season in Orange County RV rentals doesn’t mean you have to Scrooge your way out of decorating. Christmas lights are an easy way to add some holiday spirit, and they are small enough to pack in any of our Orange County rentals. Similarly, it is easy to incorporate an RV Christmas tree into your home on the road. Purchase a small one from a local store or, if you are feeling adventurous, grab a national forest permit near where you plan to camp and harvest one for yourself! Before you know it, your camper Christmas decorations may be rivalling those from home!
A camper Christmas is a great opportunity to rethink how you do gift-giving. With a smaller RV Christmas tree, you have an excuse to move away from the growing commercialization of the holiday. You can also focus on presents that will make your current RV rental adventure that much more fun! Board games, clothes for the outdoors, or experiences near your mobile Christmas destination can all add a little flare to the season!
1st Choice RV is your RV Christmas headquarters, and our passionate staff are always happy to help customers – new and old – harness the magic of the holiday season. Orange County rentals have become more popular in recent years, so if Christmas in an RV sounds like something worth exploring give us a call today and make your reservation!
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